Social aspects

Building a team of engaged people and a culture oriented towards collaboration and empowerment are the key elements for Buzzi’s success

Building a team of engaged people and a culture oriented towards collaboration and empowerment are the key elements for Buzzi’s success

We are a multiregional group that operates in territories with different and articulated needs. Human resources are considered as a constant factor for the Company growth and the enhancement of human capital has always been one of the pillars of the Company’s competitive development.
The “glocal” approach, which combines a global vision with that of local cultures, has contributed to the growth of the Company.
We are committed to create a safe working environment, in which different personal and cultural orientations are considered a resource, a basis of mutual enrichment and an element of growth.
The goal of being socially responsible passes through the application of strict rules of ethical behavior, founded on the engagement of employees and on the centrality of the person, as well as the pursuit of fair pay.

We value people:
in return we receive even more value



Training hours on safety (2023)



Cement plants that have at least one relevant Stakeholder Engagement initiative (2023)

Health and safety

At Buzzi, we work with great commitment to ensure the safety of our people and our contractors…

Our people

Buzzi recognizes the centrality of people with the belief that its success depends above all on the commitment of each employee…

Stakeholder engagement

We recognize the importance of building relationships of trust based on mutual respect, active partnership, transparency, and long-term collaboration with our stakeholders…

Health and safety

13.2 m€ spent for training and safety measures (2023)

13.2 m€ spent for training and safety measures (2023)

At Buzzi, we work with great commitment to ensure the safety of our people and our contractors. We have developed organization and management systems with the aim of obtaining the highest standard of health and safety on the workplace, reducing the occurrence of accidents and occupational diseases.
Health and safety policy logo

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.



Percentual reduction of injuries causing absence from work in 2023 compared to 2018



Percentual reduction of frequency rate of injuries causing absence from work in 2023 compared to 2018



Percentual reduction of frequency rate of all injuries (with and without absence of work) in 2023 compared to 2018

Find out more about our performance (2023)

Our people

We encourage personal and professional development of our people through initiatives aimed at increasing their skills and expertise

We encourage personal and professional development of our people through initiatives aimed at increasing their skills and expertise

Buzzi recognizes the centrality of people with the belief that its success depends above all on the commitment of each employee.
Based on the needs of the countries where the Company operates, we adopt initiatives that contribute to improving the working conditions of our employees. We do this through training courses, enhancing the employees’ skills and promoting internal growth of our staff. At the same time, we support our collaborators and their families with dedicated social and economic initiatives.

We are committed to ensuring that in every Country in which we operate, not only local regulations related to working conditions are respected, but also the skills and the professional growth of all employees are enhanced.

The skills and expertise of our people, particularly from a technical point of view, are fundamental in the continuous growth and development of our company.

Encouraging the dialogue among people of different ages is another key aspect of our plurality: in recent years, initiatives have been launched to promote intergenerational exchange and to transfer senior employees’ know-how to new generations. In addition, annual plans are underway to identify potential resources being suitable to be part of succession planning programs.

Training activities are selected based on the needs emerging at a country level. The main categories of activities are confirmed: health and safety, environment, management systems, cement and concrete technology, project management, IT tools and foreign languages.

The Company continues to keep alive the interest in young undergraduates or newly graduates, to be included in specific training projects.

Throughout the selection process, we guarantee non-discrimination on grounds of gender, race, nationality, political and religious orientation, social condition. Moreover, the Company pursues and respects criteria of professionalism suitable for the position searched, making use of adequate and consolidated tools and techniques in the selection process.

The personnel selection approach, perfectly integrated with the Stakeholder Engagement policy, is aimed at attracting young talents through partnerships with universities, defining assessment and professional development programs.

Our approach to remuneration is consolidated within the governance of all the countries in which we work and is aligned with the most recent regulatory provisions. It is linked to the performance, the market context, the alignment with business strategies and the interests of the main stakeholders.

Our remuneration policy contributes to the goal of attracting, retaining, and motivating qualified people capable of building our competitive advantage.

Through adequate remuneration and incentive mechanisms, we are committed to creating a high-quality inclusive work environment, based on the multiple strategic skills and capable of encouraging individual expression.

From a perspective of transparency, a total compensation system is envisaged, i.e. a remuneration package which can include, in addition to a basic remuneration, a variable component (typically linked to company performance) at individual or category level, as well as incentives and bonuses.

Find out more about our performance (2023)

Stakeholder engagement

Our approach is to favor medium-long term initiatives and projects with stakeholders, developing opportunities of mutual growth and enrichment

Our approach is to favor medium-long term initiatives and projects with stakeholders, developing opportunities of mutual growth and enrichment

We recognize the importance of building relationships of trust based on mutual respect, active partnership, transparency, and long-term collaboration with our stakeholders. The purpose of the engagement activities is to ease interactions between the Company and its stakeholders so they can become opportunities of mutual growth and enrichment while at the same time helping to reduce any misunderstandings. Creating relationships of trust with stakeholders means dedicating the time required to get to know them, understand their expectations and concerns, listen to their requests, provide responses, and encourage their involvement in the life of our Company.
Stakeholder engagement policy logo

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

Stakeholder engagement projects