Ethics and governance

Sustainability, integrity, and good Corporate Governance are key components of our ethical culture and guide our conduct towards customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and stakeholders in general

Sustainability, integrity, and good Corporate Governance are key components of our ethical culture and guide our conduct towards customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and stakeholders in general

We strongly believe ethics to be a founding principle of every activity and that, in addition to full compliance with the law, it adds value to the Company. Therefore, our behaviors are as important as the economic results or the quality of our products.
We adopted a Code of Conduct which applies to all Group companies, directors, employees, all suppliers, and anyone acting in the name and on behalf of the Company.
We want to be a role model in promoting social, economic, and environmental development for the communities in which we operate.
Sustainability organization

To better address challenges and opportunities related to sustainability, at Group level we have set up a Sustainability Corporate function…

Responsible management

At Buzzi, we believe that ethics is fundamental in business management and that this entails added value for our Company…

Sectoral commitment

We are convinced that the enhancement of cement, concrete and their applications for construction can only be achieved through a joint action…

Sustainability organization

To better address challenges and opportunities related to sustainability, at Group level we have set up  a Sustainability Corporate function.
As confirmation of our commitment to addressing the challenges associated with sustainability, multidisciplinary operational committees have been created to promote, coordinate, and monitor initiatives to achieve our objectives.
Furthermore, through the Investor Relations department, which is supported where necessary by the Sustainability Department, Buzzi provides the financial community with the information, operating trends and performance, and also reports the opinions and assessments of analysts and investors to the company’s management, thereby nurturing a relationship of active understanding and ongoing collaboration.

Responsible management

A corporate culture characterized by values of honesty, transparency and legality

A corporate culture characterized by values of honesty, transparency and legality

At Buzzi, we believe that ethics is fundamental in business management and that this entails added value for our Company. This is why we have adopted the Code of Conduct, which defines the standards of integrity, propriety and transparency that Buzzi has voluntarily chosen to implement as a commitment towards its stakeholders. The Code of Conduct also applies to relevant suppliers and contractors. Failure to comply with the criteria established by the Code may result in the termination of the contract.

Buzzi considers corruption as an incompatible element to sustainable development, economic growth and free competition. This is why, the Company prohibits and does not tolerate any form of corruption.

The Group has issued guidelines for all employees to define uniform rules for the acceptance and offer of gifts and customer loyalty measures and to harmonize anti-corruption training. These guidelines have been circulated among all the subsidiaries for implementation.

Fair competition is one of the General Principles of Behavior established by the Buzzi’s Code of Conduct.

Recognizing the value of competition as an integral part of the culture and corporate policy, the Company has issued and circulated the Antitrust Code to all subsidiaries. The Code establishes the criteria for employee behavior in order to ensure compliance with laws protecting competition.

Sectoral commitment

We are convinced that the enhancement of cement, concrete and their applications for construction can only be achieved through a joint action of the whole industrial sector and of its entire value chain.
For this reason, we are members of national cement and concrete associations in the countries where we operate, and through these, or directly, we are also actively involved in international and global associations, contributing to create the framework and policies to support the decarbonization process.

Some of the associations we participate in: